So with Sony introducing Trophies I see it going the same way as Achievements, as in people wanting to cheat or do something they would never EVER do just to get those points or trophy. Now I've decided to write this article because I was on a website talking about Firmware 2.40 and this guy was righting comments saying how Trophies are dumb and so are Achievements. While I would not say there dumb but, I will say the have ruined gaming all together. So as this guy was going on and on I looked at his Gamercard (this was on a blogger and if you click there name it takes you to there blog) and for someone to say they don't matter and have a 50,000 Gamerscore, it got me really mad to say the least. Now in the picture to the right is basically his Gamercard with a few things changed but, what isn't changed is the games he has played. Looking at his games played he ha

d 1000/1000 out of about 8 games he has played 6 of them are: CSI, Lost the game, Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, TMNT. If your aware those are the easiest games to get 1000/1000 on, that really you wouldn't play. So this got me thinking about Achievements and Trophies its all bullshit. I say the only way you should get Achievements and Trophies are by going one time through doing what you would normally do. Not shoot 50 birds or something stupid like that, what you would of done before Achievements, would of been to go from point A to point B and finish the game best you can and that is basically how I have been playing it! I don't search for documents I dont want to have to camp to stay alive for 30 seconds in multiplayer to get 10 Achievement points my teammates need me. I say if your running around getting involved and you happen to stay alive I say more power to you! Now with people using sites like
xbox360achievements.org, ps3trophies.org, and sites like Gamefaqs or gametrailers to figure out where or how to do something and that takes the skill out of being a true gamer. I used 1 of those sites since the 360 launched and that was gametrailers, I used it to see how to beat a boss in Ninja Gaiden Sigma and I still feel guilty for doing it, but what it showed was I was doing the right thing just had to do it faster. So I wrote this article to express my anger toward how Achievements and Trophies really are ruining games and gamers today. I didn't write this to be directed toward any particular person it is directed toward the community as a whole. I started to noticed my self doing things I wouldn't normally do and it kinda bugs me.

I would say they are a good idea if every single Achievement and Trophy was received with out cheating of some sort. I consider sites that tell you what to do, how to do, and where to look CHEATING! You shouldn't go buy Avatar the Last Airbender unless your a fan or liked it and by the reveiws not many liked it. So I guess that's it I've been pretty mad about this for awhile but with the introduction of Trophies and to see it going the same way I just had to express my anger somewhere and good thing I have a Blog :-) But anywho keep it fair out there and see you online!
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