So last night I bought Siren: Blood Curse and it is a massive game coming in at a whopping 9GB! So I deleted my GTA IV install and my Metal Gear 4 install which were both around 4 GB and I have 2GB left after I bought Siren so it's time to get a new hard drive I can't delete anything else but any who back to Siren, I downloaded it and it took a good amount of time then I played the first episode which was extremely short and I started to get worried when they said it takes about 2 hours per episode and the first one was probably 25 minutes. It seems they get longer as you go, the second episode was around the hour mark and the third which I just completed was around the hour-2hour mark and made me really feel like this $40 purchase was worth it. The character models are some of the best looking around and when you attack someone enough your character does a vicious finisher which sends blood through the air onto the wall which really surprised me. I give big ^UPs^ to the talented Japan Studio, who seems to be really cranking out the good games this generation.
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