Friday, July 25, 2008

Bringing Xbox Back

So I got my Xbox back after 16 days (Thanks Zak) and I think I got a good one. It's pretty much dead silent and so is the DVD drive overall its not much louder than my Playstation 3. I still can't download any "M" or "RP" rated content! I think I got a brand new Xbox like old HDMI less but new as in never used. I'm very pleased on how fast Microsoft got it back to me even though it took 4x longer to get back than when it was shipped. Anyway I'm going to play some more Siren then restart Bioshock since I think I messed up. So good job to everyone and I'm glad to have my Xbox 360 back.

PS.. I hope I never have to talk to Maxx again cause he is a jackass and peep one of my favorite videos from when the 360 came out above and Yes the PS3 is still big as a SUV and the Wii is still wii wii wack! :)

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