Metal Gear Solid 4 [REVIEW]
As I said the other day I beat Metal Gear Solid 4 and it was awesome! This is what videogames are all about, Metal Gear is really the first game I have ever played that is a movie that you play. With INCREDIBLE graphics and very crisp, clean sounding Dolby Digital it is total mmersion. Really I would of beat this game about 3-4 days earlier but since my neighbor is such a bitch (basically if I could hear it past 9:00 so could she) I only played this game during the day. I wouldn't settle for any thing less than 18 on the old surround sound system. At night about 10 is the max before the neighbor goes apeshit and try's to kill me. So any who here is the promised review!So in Metal Gear Solid 4 you play as Solid Snake who has aged into Old Snake. MGS4 takes place 5 years after MGS2, and war has changed. Not in the way of shooting everything that moves but the way everyone works together, everyone now has Nano Machines flowing through there veins. These Nano Machines boost your senses, improve your reaction time, and reduce pain. Thus creating perfect soldiers. I'm not going to say much more because I dont want to ruin the excellent story. Also if you have never played a Metal Gear game or never payed attention to the story you will most likely not like this game. This game has cut-scenes and lots of them. Honestly probably every half hour you get atleast a 10 minute cut-scene. The rumors of this game having 90 minute cut-scenes is bogus, the longest cut-scene was around the 40-50 minute range and that was the last one, so once your about to beat it go make some pop corn or make a sandwich and enjoy the show. When playing for 3 hours you will most likely see 90 minutes of cut-scenes all together, but like I said if your a fan of Metal Gear then you'll enjoy them especially since the Kojima sense of humor is still intact. Just to give you a last clue on the cut-scenes in the end it said I played 18 hours which is a good lenghty game about twice as long as most games are these days, I would
say maybe 4-6 hours is cut-scenes. Now for the Boss's the Metal Gear series has been known for the crazy boss battles and why'll there still here there isn't many of them and pretty much all of them are straight forward. As you can probably tell one is like Prey Mantis whome was the greatest boss ever in any game. Just so you know to defeat this boss you dont need any additional hardware and you dont need to change the controller port and if you do change it Otocon will laugh at you telling you your stupid for thinking that trick will work twice! Now for the graphics they are the best you will see in any game as off right now and near future. The game has a native resolution of 720p but supports 480i, 480p, 1080i, and 1080p. The game supports Dolby Digital which is very clean and crisp sounding. I would of liked to see some form of 7.1 sourround sound or atleast Dolby DTS, but since they say they filled up a Dual layer Blu-ray disc this wasn't possible. The game looks good with NO POP IN (WOOOOOOO), also it has very I mean very minimal jaggies on that note the chracter models are the best I have EVER seen there extremely realistic, also since they didn't use the Unreal Engine nothing is shiny that shouldnt be (no shiny sand here)! If you like Metal Gear and have played all of them (Story goes back to MG on NES) you will see Metal Gear Solid 4 ties up the story very well even though I feel it leaves one question unanswered which is brought up in MGS 4. Also the game includes Metal Gear Online which is basically MGS Portable Ops for PSP but with the new engine and more stuff, the Online is hard to get into because it uses Konami IDs which suck BALLS! You have to make two names a Konami ID and a Game ID the two cannont be the same and the Game ID's password can only be Numbers. I dont know who thought of that but they need to be dead ASAP! Really there is no reason to not own this game even if you never played Metal Gear before it will still be enjoyable. If you have played them before and liked them you need to pick this masterpiece up!11
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