I beat Resistance 2 in the begining of January and just haven't got around to reviewing it. Resistance 2 picks up right where the first one left off but like 90% of other shooters the story isn't a big deal and for the most part uninteresting. Resistance 2 seems to be stuck in the past where you are on a very strict path and you really can't do anything any other way than what they want you to. Which isn't too bad but it would be nice for them to have a few paths even if they all merge into the same area. The biggest difference between this and the first one is the scope of the game. Everything is ginormous when there is a big monster chacing you or one just attacking your whole squad you really feel like if I stop shooting or running that big bastard is going to tear you up. Before I get real in depth I'm going to talk about some specs. The game runs in 720p there is no other option so no love for you 1080i only people. The sound is pretty amazing and incorprates DTS surround sound which I think should be the standard with all PS3 games. And don't forget the multiplayer! 30vs30 deathmatches, 8 man co-ops, and many other objective based stuff like capture the flag. The co-op isn't really co-op and its kinda sad because it would of been fun to run around the single player with 7 friends. The co-op is basically defeat all of these people and press a switch or destroy some thing and watch out behind you because people are coming and basically repeat this a few times per level. It may sound boring but is very team oriented and is a lot of fun to play with some friends or even complete strangers. It has a Call of Dutyish level system in the co-op where you get upgrades and some power ups like hold more ammo, give more health, etc.. All parts multiplayer to this game is buttery smooth even in the bigger 60 player matches and in co-op you could have up to probably 80 or so enemys on the screen at one time. Its insanity, its a lot of fun, and its completly lag free! Back to the sinle player. The game starts out extremely slow and they make Nathan Hale sound like such shit and a wannabe bad ass. Pretty much for 30-40% of the game is run into this room and hold off the chimera untill there all dead and really any shooting game where you run out of ammo after every fight is pretty much shit to me but luckily the game returns to its roots towards the end and makes me love it again. The game makes such a right turn in the later half of the game and makes it really engadging and Insomniac does some pretty neat things. This isn't really a spoiler but at one part you have to run from these crazy ass bee things. You cant kill them and they kill you instantly! But when your getting chased the sound getting louder behind you as you haul mad ass towards the door is crazy and when you notice your out of breath from a videogame it shows they did there job at immersing you into the experence. Plus the ending is probably the biggest "holy fuck" in a video game. I wouldn't say Resistance 2 is as good as it could of been and I feel there taking it the route of the Ratchet and Clank games on PS2, where they add just so much stuff they take away from what made it great but we'll see what happens for the next one. Overall fun game and is really worth the $60 being the single player is around 12-15 hours and the multiplayer is endless fun.
1 comment:
9.5 huh? Think this makes your second highest rated game.
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