Adding to my reviews I didn't get to, is Mirrors Edge. I've been really excited for this game since it was announced. I loved the art style, I love Dice, and I love the first person view. So basically it was a certified winner in my mind even before it came out. I wish this game would of did better so EA can do more sequals and so maybe Namco could bring back Breakdown which was another first person action game that didnt sell very well even though it was an amazing game. Like Breakdown, Mirrors Edge is an amazing game that everyone should experiance. I feel the game didn't sell so well since everyone knew it was a short game and when they could pick good games like Fallout 3 or even Resistance 2 for the same price with plenty more game play. Though its a shame that its so short (8 hours) it really would of been more of the same just dragged out another 5 hours, if they extended it. So before I get into the review I wanted to talk about the specs of the game first since this is important to some people. Mirrors Edge runs on a heavily modified version of the Unreal 3 engine and looks great even on the PS3 which I played it on. The games doesnt support DTS which is a bummer since the last few EA games supported that on the PS3. Its only 720p so once again you 1080i only players are left out on the PS3 version. So the game has a very forgettable story, you have to find who set up your sister and a few other things that would spoil it. Though the story is weak its told through very unique looking cut scenes between chapters. The game runs very smooth even though a few parts in later levels you will stop right in the middle of gameplay to load which is pretty ridiculous. On the PS3 version there is a install but its like 500MB so its not the worst. There aren't many jaggies and no texture pop-in which is a HUGE plus in my book. One of the things I really like are the controls, which are very unique. You use the shoulder buttons for all of the important stuff like jumping and ducking, etc... The game is very immersive and you'll find your-self playing it for hours. If your afraid of hights you might not enjoy this game all that much. One part in the game you have to jump from a zipline to another zipline in mid-air off of two skyscrapers and my stomach just dropped, I was shaking from a videogame knowing if I don't time this right I will plumit to my death. Somthing this game does that many others try but don't succeed in is the feeling you get when getting chased. Though no game will really get it right since in real life if you get caught your dead, there are no do-overs. So unless a game is you die and you have to start all the way over, you won't feel the complete need to survive. When you finish the game you really feel like you did what you needed to do and thats it. If this wasn't from EA I wouldn't think there would be a sequal since it didn't sell real well and they didn't leave you on some dramatic cliff hanger. I would say buy this game now at the full $60 just to support Dice and the support of original IPs but really the game is perfect for a $40 price tag.
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