So as you may of heard PlayStation Home has finally hit version 1.0 for the Beta testers. I've always known Sony was making Home to make money but I didnt think they were going to go this far. So as I updated and went through to the avatar creator which I had to recreate my avatar which was rediculous but I said hey I wont have to do this again so its no big deal. I notice there are a lot of hairstyles missing including the one i used to use, which was pretty much a combed down style which how my hair actually is. So i had to settle with a spikier version. I then proceded to the cloths which a good decent amount of were missing. Now I had to go to the colors for my person, there was midnight black, brown, a mexicanish, and blinding white! So I settled for mexicanish and now the guy that is supposed to look like me is a chubby mexican with black spikey hair. Atleast they had my hair color. Now this has me worried, does this mean there going to do more updates and add those styles back or are they going to charge out the ass for them? I think the later. So as my mexican counterpart I went and checked out everything, they stilled had the same videos up, they took all of the items out of the mall, and atleast the arcade and bowling alley are much better! Also the Uncharted and Farcry 2 areas are gone. Something I really hate is they took out the virtual PSP for some screen thing with speakers on it that has 8 font. If you put the now Home against the NXE Home looses in every category! I know Home isn't even out yet but they need to get there act together and stick to what even got them this far; make a lot of it free!
** Update: The Home community manager said all of the hair styles and other stuff will be back soon!**
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