Well its this time of year again. The Xbox 360 turns 3, the Nintendo Wii and Sony's Playstation 3 both turn 2 years old this month! It has been a great year for gamers alike even if your just dedicated to one sytem (wii?) with huge multiplatform blockbusters such as Grand Theft Auto 4, Mirrors Edge, Fallout 3, and Dead Space, this was a year for the gamers. Also BIG name exclusives finally came out such as Metal Gear Solid: 4, Fable 2, Resistance 2, Gears of War 2, Little Big Planet, and Banjo and Kazooie. Both the 360 and PS3 got significant and much needed upgrades such as in game XMB and the NXE. Its been a great year and I'm sure next year will be even better and hopefully I can include the Wii in this article next year!

On the bad side which isn't really related to this, My Zune has went toward the light up in the sky then I pulled it back... My Zune fell into the toilet many electronics final resting place but my Zune wasnt one of them. Immediately I pulled it out and turned it off. My Zune was still playing the song while deep in the toilet. I let dry all day while I was at school, came home and it turned on first I thought the battery was messed, like charging in 10min then immediatly going to low battery. So i let it charge over night and the next day it was fine basically like a new Zune. There was no waterdamage or anything but something had to break to piss me off and it did the play/ pause button stopped working. This button turns the Zune on and puts it into sleep mode and of course it pauses. So I did some research for replacement parts go figure this part is the most expensive since you have to buy like half of a Zune. I may get it but I'm not sure yet. Though I give mad props to the Zune guys for making a tough and kick ass device!
Also Microsoft didn't let me in the NXE preview program even though I signed up. Today they let everyone who signed up get the NXE update a day early but NOT ME!! FUCKERS!!
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