Sunday, November 30, 2008
PSP Champion
Since I haven't been able to get a hold of any new games latley I went back into the good ol' PSP library. Out of the 27 or so PSP games I have, only 5 haven't been beatn. Well mark that down to two games! I beat Socom Fireteam Bravo 1 and 2 and I beat Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. All three were excellent games. None of which are good games to play outside of the house. Socom doesnt have any save checkpoints and some missions take a good 15-20minutes. Gran Theft Auto is Grand Theft Auto, it still takes 10 min or so to get across the whole city and some missions take a long time! Overall all three are fantastic games! The graphics in each of them are something the Sega Dreamcast would be proud of. I think I'm going to do a review for GTA cause it was such an amazing game. Look for that some time soon.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Most Beautiful is So Far Away
You may or may not remember the Voodoo Omen but it is finally here! At a price that costs enough to buy two (2) (1+1) TWO! well built Hp Blackbirds. Thats right the Voodoo Omen STARTS AT $10,000! Now to give you a little back story on Voodoo, they are a company that builds very high end computers and recently they were bought by HP and they built the Hp Blackbird 002 with Voodoo DNA. Almost a year later Voodoo burns down there site and shows off the Brand new Omen and Envy, some of the most beautiful and stunning computers you will ever see. Voodoo PCs are hand built in Canada and they are well know for their custom paint jobs which are around $300 and up. The sad part is the Omen when announced was very high end but now with the Intel Core I7 finally coming out and the fact that the I7 uses a completely new socket so even if you wanted to swap them out you wouldn't be able to. Don't get me wrong the Omen is still very powerful and very beautiful but for $10,000 I expect it to be liquid cooled and to have the newest and best technology available.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The NXE: Some Impressions
The NXE has been here for a whole week. I've started to get used to it. First of all the NXE is screaming fast as soon as your Xbox does its thing your signed into Xbox Live. Besides that, all of the problems that were wrong with the blades are still here and then some. First of all there are menus galore. Here ill show PS3 vs the Xbox 360 menus
To go to active downloads:
Cant find it in the main menu
Xbox Guide button> Left> Left> Down to active downloads
Right> Down to active downloads
Go to Store:
Up>Up>Up>A>Sub Categories
Have to go to a different menu to get to Video Store
Right>Right>X> Sub Categories
Also can get to Video Store
Change Picture:
Up>Up>Right>A>Down>Down>Down>(A)Change picture
Right>Right>Up>X>Down>(X)Change Picture
What also sucks is you have to back out of all of those menus by pressing "B" sometimes you can just press the Guide button. Also you cant save Videos, Pictures, or most Music to your Xbox. Overall it's a lot of eye candy but it's not up to the XMB yet.
Under Cover Home
So as you may of heard PlayStation Home has finally hit version 1.0 for the Beta testers. I've always known Sony was making Home to make money but I didnt think they were going to go this far. So as I updated and went through to the avatar creator which I had to recreate my avatar which was rediculous but I said hey I wont have to do this again so its no big deal. I notice there are a lot of hairstyles missing including the one i used to use, which was pretty much a combed down style which how my hair actually is. So i had to settle with a spikier version. I then proceded to the cloths which a good decent amount of were missing. Now I had to go to the colors for my person, there was midnight black, brown, a mexicanish, and blinding white! So I settled for mexicanish and now the guy that is supposed to look like me is a chubby mexican with black spikey hair. Atleast they had my hair color. Now this has me worried, does this mean there going to do more updates and add those styles back or are they going to charge out the ass for them? I think the later. So as my mexican counterpart I went and checked out everything, they stilled had the same videos up, they took all of the items out of the mall, and atleast the arcade and bowling alley are much better! Also the Uncharted and Farcry 2 areas are gone. Something I really hate is they took out the virtual PSP for some screen thing with speakers on it that has 8 font. If you put the now Home against the NXE Home looses in every category! I know Home isn't even out yet but they need to get there act together and stick to what even got them this far; make a lot of it free!
** Update: The Home community manager said all of the hair styles and other stuff will be back soon!**
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Birthdays and Deaths: The Circle of Life..
Well its this time of year again. The Xbox 360 turns 3, the Nintendo Wii and Sony's Playstation 3 both turn 2 years old this month! It has been a great year for gamers alike even if your just dedicated to one sytem (wii?) with huge multiplatform blockbusters such as Grand Theft Auto 4, Mirrors Edge, Fallout 3, and Dead Space, this was a year for the gamers. Also BIG name exclusives finally came out such as Metal Gear Solid: 4, Fable 2, Resistance 2, Gears of War 2, Little Big Planet, and Banjo and Kazooie. Both the 360 and PS3 got significant and much needed upgrades such as in game XMB and the NXE. Its been a great year and I'm sure next year will be even better and hopefully I can include the Wii in this article next year!
On the bad side which isn't really related to this, My Zune has went toward the light up in the sky then I pulled it back... My Zune fell into the toilet many electronics final resting place but my Zune wasnt one of them. Immediately I pulled it out and turned it off. My Zune was still playing the song while deep in the toilet. I let dry all day while I was at school, came home and it turned on first I thought the battery was messed, like charging in 10min then immediatly going to low battery. So i let it charge over night and the next day it was fine basically like a new Zune. There was no waterdamage or anything but something had to break to piss me off and it did the play/ pause button stopped working. This button turns the Zune on and puts it into sleep mode and of course it pauses. So I did some research for replacement parts go figure this part is the most expensive since you have to buy like half of a Zune. I may get it but I'm not sure yet. Though I give mad props to the Zune guys for making a tough and kick ass device!
Also Microsoft didn't let me in the NXE preview program even though I signed up. Today they let everyone who signed up get the NXE update a day early but NOT ME!! FUCKERS!!
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