Thursday, November 20, 2008

The NXE: Some Impressions

The NXE has been here for a whole week. I've started to get used to it. First of all the NXE is screaming fast as soon as your Xbox does its thing your signed into Xbox Live. Besides that, all of the problems that were wrong with the blades are still here and then some. First of all there are menus galore. Here ill show PS3 vs the Xbox 360 menus

To go to active downloads:
Cant find it in the main menu
Xbox Guide button> Left> Left> Down to active downloads

Right> Down to active downloads

Go to Store:
Up>Up>Up>A>Sub Categories
Have to go to a different menu to get to Video Store

Right>Right>X> Sub Categories
Also can get to Video Store

Change Picture:
Up>Up>Right>A>Down>Down>Down>(A)Change picture

Right>Right>Up>X>Down>(X)Change Picture

What also sucks is you have to back out of all of those menus by pressing "B" sometimes you can just press the Guide button. Also you cant save Videos, Pictures, or most Music to your Xbox. Overall it's a lot of eye candy but it's not up to the XMB yet.

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