Many would say the PSP is dieing. Its not competing with the DS very well at all in North America and the amount of big games coming is dwindling. Though with my recent purchase of a PSP GO I must say the PSP has plenty of life in it if Sony would just let it live! The PS3's motto is "It only does everything" the PSP's should be "why not" You have to remember how old the PSP is. It came before the iPhone/iPod Touch. It came before the Xbox 360. So when you think of the things the PSP could do out of the box its pretty amazing. It could play video! View photos, music, and shortly after launch browse the web. You might think wow my cell phone does all this but also think, the PSP came out before iPods could play video! This is way back when that thing called iTunes used to only sell music! There was no apps, there was no tv or movie downloads. The PSP was the only place to get ground breaking 3D games, music, photos, videos, and internet. So why is it that the PSP is going down the tubes? The answer lies within Sony. The PSP's problems could be fixed so easily. They need games. Find some way to get EA, Ubi Soft, and Activision involved with the PSP again. Start getting a good flow of games out there. Once that happens drop the price. Make the Go $179 or even $200 give people an incentive to buy the GO. If people have to download games they cant pirate them. This makes developers happy, thus more games. Another thing is to add features. Make more movie formats available, such as; Divx and Xvid. When people can get there movies on something easily, the happier they are. Overhaul the web browser. Adopt Opera where everything is done on a server elsewhere. Bring on the YouTube and various other applications such as Twitter and Facebook. You don't have to go crazy just satisfy peoples needs. Which brings me back to the "why not" slogan. People might ask why would I want to connect my PSP to my TV? Why would I want to use Skype on my PSP? The answer is "why not" If its there and is something that could come in handy one day or if its something you use everyday the PSP has it. So why would you want a PSP? Well how about "Why Not"? The PSP is an awesome device. It has a giant crisp screen. The Go is very portable and comfortable to hold. Its really a revolutionary device stuck in the past because of Sony. The PSP has sold 60million units up to December, 2009. The PSP is no flop its far from one. Sony pumped life into the PSP with a large amount of high profile games last year no lets just see more. There are 60Million of us Sony make us happy.
`Also expect a few more posts about the PSP soon. I'm going to talk about games, I'm going to have a review for my Go coming soon, and maybe I'll do a few PSP feature videos.
1 comment:
In my opinion, it is an interesting question, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.
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