Well the big E3 is back. And it seems to be back with a bunch of stuff we can't have yet.. Alot of announced stuff coming in 2010. Though Sony and Microsoft really stole the show and Nintendo um.. not so much, they did better than last year but hell anything is better than last year. So here is a run down of what was announced.
Some big games most come out next year but it shows there is some life still kicking in the ol' Xbox 360.
~Alan Wake was finally shown off. looks very good they definitely scaled it down a bit and looks more constricted but it looks very promising. Coming in 2010.
~Like 58 more Halo games were shown.. well maybe 2. Halo ODST was shown looks pretty neat basically just more Halo. Also a teaser was shown for the new Halo game called Halo: Breach. Not much is known about the title. ODST comes in September and Breach comes in 2010.
~ Forza 3 was shown. Probably one of the worst kept secrets. Forza will have around 500 cars, the custom tuning from Forza 2 and some better damage effects. Comes out this year on 2 discs.
~Left 4 Dead 2 was also shown. Its based in the south has 4 new people. There is new Zombies, weapons, and day time levels. Comes out this year.
~Crack Down 2 was shown and not much else is known they just showed a quick teaser trailer.
~Metal Gear: Rising was shown off and is the first Metal Gear to come to the Xbox 360. Game isn't exclusive but the trailer was only shown in Microsofts Press conference.
~ One of the bigger suprises is Splinter Cell: Conviction. UBI Soft throws out emo Sam Fisher for the bad ass that we all know and love. The games looks very good comes out this year on Xbox 360 and PC.
~ Microsoft Showed of their own motion sensing tech called Project Natal. It uses a new camera and your whole body is the controler. They showed off some neat tech demos, ones that you need about a 20ft radius around you so you dont kill anyone. This looked very neat and the fact that you can control the NXE with it makes it even better. Comes out eventually.
~Also unannounced at their press conference is the ability to buy and download full Xbox 360 games to your harddrive. Launches at end of the year with select titles.
Sony showed a very promising line up of games most of which just like Microsoft come out early next year.
~ First big thing Sony really announced is the PSP GO! The system is bringing all of the sexy, along with a bunch of AAA games.
~ Gran Turismo PSP was shown. Looks excellent. From the videos floating around you would swear its GT4. The game has 800 cars, a bunch of tracks, and the game is locked at 60FPS. Comes out October 1st along side the PSP GO!
~A new Metal Gear Solid game is coming exclusivly (for now) to the PSP. Called MGS; Peace Walker. Its directed by Kojima and it looks very good. It takes place 10 years after MGS3 and somehow fits into the MGS time line. Check it out in 2010.
~ Also shown were a bunch of other PSP games like Jak and Daxter and many others like Echo Crhomo which is a 2D Echo Chrome with some color and a new time mechanic.
~ What was also shown but not announced was Fat Princess for the PSP. If you look at the PSP video montage they show it on there playing on a PSP.
~ On a bigger note Sony showed off MAG which looks amazing. It looked very smooth, though ill hold judgement untill its in my hands. There are vehicles and air strikes which Socom really never had. MAG should be out Fall of this year.
~ Of Course Uncharted 2 was there and it looked really really good. They showed some more single player and Drake's humor is still in tact. The story looks alot more engadging and exciting. They also released the Multiplayer Beta the same day so I checked that out and its alot of fun. The multiplayer looks really good though not as good as the single player. One of the problems is that it takes the same 30 bullets to kill someone, the same as the single player in the first Uncharted so I'm used to it.
~ Sony had another suprise known as the Agent. An Exlcusive game from the GTA Team, Rock Star North. Absolutly nothing was shown but the logo. Jack did say it was set in the 70s and they expect the same fanfair GTA provides. Expect it in end of 2010 ealry 2011.
~ Gran Turismo 5 was there in trailer form and looked very good and little improved from Prologue. The game has Nascar and Rally cars involved this time around and oh yes damage is there. Take that you cheatn Nissan bastards in GT 5: Prologue online. Expect in early 2010.
~ Sony tries to 1up Nintendo with there own motion tech which uses the PS eye to detect controllers with glowing balls on the end. Looks very promising and unlike Microsoft's and Nintendo's it seems to be aimed toward more hardcore gamers. Unlike Microsofts this will come ealry next year. My guess is maybe with Heavy Rain since they seem made for each other.
~Then Sony ended its conference with a bang showing a 10minute demo of God of War 3. Which looked very good seemed to have some hit detection problems but all of that should be worked out by 2010 when its released. The demo really showed the scope of God of War 3 where there was a huge guy throwing fireballs at kratos during his battle until the end where kratos had to fight him, and thats where the demo ended. Game looks very good and I'm pretty excited for it. Especially for the rumored God of War 1 and 2 in the collectors edition.
Well that was really it with these two. Of course other big games are coming to both consoles like Assassins Creed 2 and Modern Warfare 2. E3 was pretty big this year but it was alot of games that were announced for spring 2010 which is kind of a bummer. I could of included Nintendo but well just a new Metroid in 3rd person and Mario Galaxy 1 1/2 isn't exactly alot to write on.