About an hour ago Sony pumped out a few games for the PSP in this Thursday Update and amongst them was Everyday Shooter. Being one of my favorite PS3 games I gladly and excitingly bought it. For $10 I wouldn't say its an absolute steal considering I got the PS3 one for $5 when it first launched (sale) but I'm still happy with my purchase. If your not familier with Everyday Shooter then shame on you. Just kidding but it is a dual stick shooter that was eagerly awaited by Playstation fans as it was a breath of fresh air during the drought of games after the PS3's launch. What was even more amazing is it is made by one guy
Jonathon Mac during that time developers with 60 man teams couldn't make a PS3 game so this was kinda amazing. The game to me would seem very demanding to even think about putting on the PSP, with the backgrounds shifting, all of the text on screen, and all of the enemies, it would seem like a difficult job to do without changing the game dramatically. Amaingly they ported the whole PS3 game it has the same graphics to a extent, same sounds, same everything, this is Everyday Shooter on the PSP! What I'm still trying to figure out is why the game is almost double the size of the PS3 version? Anyway the game runs great and you may ask how does a dual stick shooter work on the PSP? Well its simple unlike other dual stick shooters (Stardust, Geometry Wars) it doesnt have a full 360 degrees of shooting it think like a compass like this picture>>

This is the same as on the PS3 (Jon likes to play the game with face buttons) so it was a perfect fit. Overall I'm still getting used to it but I did beat my PS3 high score already but I didnt get as far level wise. I think Sony is going to be porting or doing side quests of a lot of PS3 games to PSP this coming year. With the rumor of Jak and Daxter, I wouldnt be suprised if they have a Motorstorm or Heavenly Sword. I always thought Heavenly Sword would be a good fit since it doesnt use the right stick or the R2 and L2 buttons. So I guess we'll see, Sony did say '09 would be the year of the PSP. So I'm off to play more Everyday Shooter!
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