Friday, December 19, 2008

GameSpy's Game of The Year awards

Xbox 360
10. SoulCalibur IV
9. Burnout: Paradise
8. Dead Space
7. Fable II
6. RockBand 2
5. Prince of Persia
4. Left 4 Dead
3. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Gears of War 2
1. Fallout 3

Out of the 10 best Xbox 360  2 of them are exclusive. Gears of War 2 is the 4th most played game on Xbox Live and Fable II is number 10. Left 4 Dead also won best multiplayer game which isn't much of a supprise but what is a supprise is Gears of war 2 at 2nd in the best online game category. From everything I have read it seems that it has more trouble going on than Socom does but to each there own.

PlayStation 3
10. Burnout Paradise
9. Dead Space
8. Resistance 2
7. Prince of Persia
6. Valkyria Chronicles
5. RockBand 2 
4. Grand Theft Auto IV
3. Metal Gear Solid 4 !
2. Fallout 3
1. Little Big Planet

Out of the top 10 PS3 games 4 of them are exclusive. Little Big Planet continues to be loved by the media yet it's still being ignored. There is no way a game like Metal Gear Solid 4 should be in 3rd. It was a perfect game, it had the multiplayer and it had the single player. The graphics are amazing and so is the gameplay. I would of liked to see Resistance 2 a little higher but then again I haven't played it and GTA4 still baffles me.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Home is Here! NPDs are here

**Sorry it took so long.... 
So Home is here. What PlayStation fans have been waiting for, for some reason people think this is the answer to Xbox's better Live service. Well... its not and I'm not sure why people thought it would be.  Home is a gathering of people, which you go around and do things together. I'm not sure how or even why people think this was supposed to be Xbox Live for the PS3. If you look at both online services there really even in terms of features. The only things misssing is in game chat and cross game invites. In my eyes that doesn't justify $50 a year. So what does Sony need to do to make Home the killer app it's hyped up to be? One thing that really bugs me in Home is that you have to load every area and there not exactly short load times. What would be cool is if they kept 2 places loaded like if the main square was always loaded and from where ever you came that would be loaded untill you went elsewhere. One of the big pushes in Home is the community. You meet up with friends, meet new people and everyone is happy but there isn't enough to do at this time. What they need to do is put real movies in the movie theatre, say the Dark Knight starts at 7pm have people pay $2 and sync it up with everyone's connection so it goes up at the same pace. The same could be said about your house get the TVs in there and allow us to play our movies and maybe be able to stream big sporting events or even PPV events so we can have a party with  friends at our house. If Sony would do that and say oh you need to buy a club for your friends to come over and view events like that I guarentee Sony will get $5 from a lot of people! How about letting people buy arcade machines to put in there house which keeps the local high scores, so when your friends come over they can try to beat your score just like in real life.. Really all Sony needs to make Home better is more of everything and to deliver all of the things they have atleast have shown so far.. but really Home could of been much worse than what it is for something this big I mean the whole network could of went down.. =)  

The NPDs went with the Wii in first, the DS in second, Xbox 360 in third, and the PSP, PS3, and PS2 take up the rear. From these results it shows Sony desperatly needs a price cut on the PS3 even though the PS2 and PSP are profitable Sony still can't be breaking even.. I'm thinking a $299 PlayStation 3 with 40GB hard drive, no games no anything and maybe a 80GB PS3 with a Headset and HD cables for $399. I don't know if Sony should do this before or after Killzone 2 and Infamous but they would definatly sell more before those big games come out. Sony has done pretty good with games with all of there big releases topping a million units sold, but it should be more! Each of those big games should be atleast 2 to 3 million units sold. For me I think peole need to experience the PlayStation 3. There is something about the games (exclusives) that makes them so much better, I dont know what it is but they feel different. I'm not ragging on the Xbox cause I used to be a 360 fanboy, but with there DRM, shaddy hardware, and $50 a year they forced me to be a PS3 fanboy. Really I feel bad for the 360 fans that think Xbox Live is worth it and live year to year playing Gears and Halo. I love my Xbox but I just love my PS3 more.. and the Wii well thats the kid that parents stick into the microwave..

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Zune Mr. 10,000; 8 Months later...

 Here we are 8 months from when I first got my Zune. My Zune has experienced about 4 drops, one of them being in the toilet. So my Zune has brought me much enjoyment, I have supprased the 10,000 songs played mark and have 15 badges which just recently became permanent. On my Zune right now I have 591 songs, 55 pictures, and 12 videos (mainly The Office <3) all of this content eats up 6.48GB and gives me 930Mb left. Through all of this my Zune has one (1) scratch with no case after 8 months, plus my play/pause button doesn't work thanks to the water and the toilets joint effort. So back to the achievement, 10,000 plays... at and average of 4 minutes a song thats 40,000 minutes! 667 hours! Hell thats longer than I wait for my laptop to boot up. Thats 28 days of music non stop! Thats listening to every song around 6 times over. After 8 months I still love my Zune and if the play/pause button still worked I wouldnt be in such a hurry to trade it up for a shinier 120GB Zune. With the Zune pass which lets  you keep 10 songs a month they pretty much have me forever and I really dont mind! Here's to 10,000 more! Keep it up Zune team!  

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Everyday Shooter is now the Everywhere Shooter

About an hour ago Sony pumped out a few games for the PSP in this Thursday Update and amongst them was Everyday Shooter. Being one of my favorite PS3 games I gladly and excitingly bought it. For $10 I wouldn't say its an absolute steal considering I got the PS3 one for $5 when it first launched (sale) but I'm still happy with my purchase. If your not familier with Everyday Shooter then shame on you. Just kidding but it is a dual stick shooter that was eagerly awaited by Playstation fans as it was a breath of fresh air during the drought of games after the PS3's launch. What was even more amazing is it is made by one guy Jonathon Mac during that time developers with 60 man teams couldn't make a PS3 game so this was kinda amazing. The game to me would seem very demanding to even think about putting on the PSP, with the backgrounds shifting, all of the text on screen, and all of the enemies, it would seem like a difficult job to do without changing the game dramatically. Amaingly they ported the whole PS3 game it has the same graphics to a extent, same sounds, same everything, this is Everyday Shooter on the PSP! What I'm still trying to figure out is why the game is almost double the size of the PS3 version? Anyway the game runs great and you may ask how does a dual stick shooter work on the PSP? Well its simple unlike other dual stick shooters (Stardust, Geometry Wars) it doesnt have a full 360 degrees of shooting it think like a compass like this picture>>        This is the same as on the PS3 (Jon likes to play the game with face buttons) so it was a perfect fit. Overall I'm still getting used to it but I did beat my PS3 high score already but I didnt get as far level wise. I think Sony is going to be porting or doing side quests of a lot of PS3 games to PSP this coming year. With the rumor of Jak and Daxter, I wouldnt be suprised if they have a Motorstorm or Heavenly Sword. I always thought Heavenly Sword would be a good fit since it doesnt use the right stick or the R2 and L2 buttons. So I guess we'll see, Sony did say '09 would be the year of the PSP. So I'm off to play more Everyday Shooter!         

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The best looking trailer is the best looking game

Well I'm sure you have seen the amazing Uncharted 2 preview trailer but did you know that it was shot in real time? For a trailer that looks so amazing I would have to call bull but I recently went back to the first Uncharted and I'm still amazed on how good it looks. So if anyone can pull of a game that looks this good its Naughty Dog. Really I'm sorry to have to say but I think the Xbox 360 is showing its age and the PS3 is starting to shine. I'm not going to lie Gears of War 1 and 2 look amazing but they don't look as good as Metal Gear or Uncharted. So we will see some game play on the 14th exclusively on Spike TV!