So in Metal Gear Solid 4 you play as Solid Snake who has aged into Old Snake. MGS4 takes place 5 years after MGS2, and war has changed. Not in the way of shooting everything that moves but the way everyone works together, everyone now has Nano Machines flowing through there veins. These Nano Machines boost your senses, improve your reaction time, and reduce pain. Thus creating perfect soldiers. I'm not going to say much more because I dont want to ruin the excellent story. Also if you have never played a Metal Gear game or never payed attention to the story you will most likely not like this game. This game has cut-scenes and lots of them. Honestly probably every half hour you get atleast a 10 minute cut-scene. The rumors of this game having 90 minute cut-scenes is bogus, the longest cut-scene was around the 40-50 minute range and that was the last one, so once your about to beat it go make some pop corn or make a sandwich and enjoy the show. When playing for 3 hours you will most likely see 90 minutes of cut-scenes all together, but like I said if your a fan of Metal Gear then you'll enjoy them especially since the Kojima sense of humor is still intact. Just to give you a last clue on the cut-scenes in the end it said I played 18 hours which is a good lenghty game about twice as long as most games are these days, I would