There is a HUGE problem going on in the gaming biz. Today Next-Gen compiled a list of the top selling games of the last 12 months. There is many shockers in this list and shows people need to be shot. With not one PSP exclusive game in the top 100 thanks to those bastards who illegally download games also no PC games either. Mainly the real shocker is some of the other high profile game sales, how about how Mario Party 30 I mean 8 has sold more than every single PS3 game put together or how Transformers: The Game sold more copies than Mass Effect, BioShock, and The Orange Box Combined. This shows that dumb ass bitches should no longer be able to buy games. With A+ games like Uncharted, Burnout Paradise don't even reach a Million copies. Then with High School Musical Complete Gay Saga, out sells the likes of the Orange Box, Metroid Prime 3, Devil May Cry 4, and Dirt. I think the question is WTF people do you not have eyes or ears, or have you just not ever played a good game. I wish I knew what kids would like High School Musical (on the DS yet) over DIRT, Motor Storm or even Singstar.I feel this is a outrage and now see why people keep making movie games and making the same game over and over with 20 new mini-games (Mario Party). This list shows people need a wake-up call, if people keep downloading illegal or buying shitty games there wont be anymore good games, just Mario Party 55 with more waggle and High School Musical complete pink man thong edition is going to be the only successful games and they don't deserve it! So everyone grab a Pepsi MAX and WAKE UP PEOPLE!!
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