It's been awhile since I've done a post since I have been moving and having a bunch of other stuff going on. Also I didn't have internet for like 3 months which was absolutely horrible. So while I was gone there has been demos galore! My PS3 hasn't been off for 3 days. Quite a few demos were pretty good. I was very suprised by the Watchman and the Wheelman, I also thought Red Faction was pretty good loved the DTS sound. Though was very disapointed with Riddick, gonna have to check it out on the Xbox. The Red Barron and Sega Mega Collection were both suprisingly good, though I wish the Sega one was a downloadable game. The whole thing has to be under 2GB. On a side note my PS3 Harddrive is getting full again. Only have 25GBs left. So onto other news. Sony finally got their heads out of there asses and started doing stuff with the PSP which I'm very happy about and should make E3 very interesting. Also I'm really digging the Patapon 2 demo which I've gottern over 2 hours worth of play out of. I hope to get the full version here soon. In a few days I should have a review for Killzone 2 which I'm really enjoying but I played it on hard since the early levels seemed too easy. So I'm kind of regreting that. Still a good game though and should have it finished just in time for Infamous. Tomorow I'm going to buy all of the recent PSN releases like Flower, Red Barron, Burn Zombie Burn, and the Watchmen atleast. Might buy Kung Fu Fists of Plastic as well. Big month for games, not enough time or money :-( Well more in a bit with my Killzone 2 review.