I beat Call of Duty: World at War. I just got the game not even a month ago so this is why I'm just now beating it. So after Call of Duty 4 people weren't too happy that the series would return to it's Nazi killing ways. I didnt really mind since I like the WWII atmosphere. This Call of Duty is the closest to the excellence of COD2 quality wise. This game does somthing really different from the past WWII games and that is that it focuses on the grusome side of things. This game shows that it wasn't just 60million people running at each other with guns. Insted it shows people getting burned alive, people climbing trees, and people who surrender getting shot up. Like this one part I wont forget is our squad was said to take back a city. We did that and the Nazi forces retreated running to a underground bunker that is then blocked off by bars. Well lets just say a few Nazis didn't make it in time and were stuck in the stairway. Our squad (6 people) then surrounded the stairway and we all through a grenade down towards them. Stuff like this happens all of the time in the game and I like that they took the game this way. Now for the gameplay, this game is COD4, every gun can pretty much be matched up with a gun in COD4. Even the single players story follows a similar plot line as COD4. Basically what I'm saying is

if you liked COD4 you'll like Call of Duty: World at War. The multiplayer is still the same as COD4, you get the perks and all of the other stuff. As far as I can tell there the same perks. So in the picture to the right you have the old claymore vs the new bouncing betty. This picture show how well you can see it. As you can see the bouncing betty is nearly immposible to see especially against brown colored surroundings. with the claymore atleast you could see the red ray around the corner. With the bouncing betty you can't see anything. Another thing that I find funny about Infinity Ward VS Trearch is IW favors the M1 Garand and TA favors the Kar 98 as in its stronger in there own game. So I played this game on the PS3 it has a install of 60MB so basically nothing. The game runs in 720p, 1080i, and 1080p. Doesnt supprt DTS :-( though the sound is very good and lives up to the COD standard. The Multiplayer supports up to 18. The game also has online co-op where you kill nazis with up to 3 friends plus after that you can kill them again in Zombie form which is hella fun! The downside, the multiplayer is a little broken. Its hard to get a party together, if host leaves, the game ends just like in COD4. For any game this gen that is horrible and I hope IW fixs that in COD6. The game is alot of fun really worth the $60 though it is more of the same. So if you are really tired of COD4 you might want to wait to pick this one up. It sucks Treyarch isn't fixing the problems with the multiplayer, but hey what can you do? Also here is a comparison of the two games.