Sunday, March 30, 2008
Give a Quick shout out.....
Saturday, March 29, 2008
EYE Can See!!
Also on my trip to get NG:DS I seen a PS EYE, eyeing me up... get it... ehh never mind. Anyway I bought it and its surprisingly big and a lot better build quality than the Xbox Live camera...

So far I bought Trials Of Topoq ( 2 pac?).. No its not to see who killed 2 pac.. But you guide a ball through stairs like levels where when you move your hands and little squares pop up that move the ball.. Its hard to explain. The game isn't to bad its not going to win game of the year but what do you expect for $5.. So far its ok and with more games out and more hopefully coming it will not go the way of the Xbox cam.
The Dragon Sword is Back and Going Right Through My DS

Thats right..... Today is the start of major damage to my DS. I just went and got Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword for the Nintendo DS. Many of you might of thought I didn't have a DS since I don't really talk about it. Well I have had one since launch and the last game I bought for it was Wario Ware DS which came out the following February after the DS's launch. In case your counting thats not a single game for it since February 2005, 3 years ago!.. Now I'm finally getting some use out of it. But anyway back to the game.. This game takes place 6 months after the events of the first Ninja Gaiden (SIGMA). The game looks very good for a DS game as you can see from the screen shot above. I was very curious on how Ninja Gaiden would handle on the DS, more specifically on how attacking with the touch screen would work. With some getting used to it works surprisingly well, EX: you slash the stylus on your enemies very smiler to the Zelda game on the DS, and to throw shurikans(?) ninja stars by tapping the enemy. You also hold the DS like a book, which you get used to very quick.. Also on another note when holding the DS like this it looks more appropriate while your on the shitter. Just my 2 cents... So I've only played the first 2 chapters and I don't have much to talk about but what I do have to say is its a lot easier than Sigma.. Long story short if you have a DS and like the Ninja Gaiden games eg games that make you go nuts then you should go get it..
Review coming in like 4 months when I beat it, maybe longer if I have to go through multiple DS's..
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue 6gb install?

Yeah thats right Gran Turismo fans, GT5: Prologue has a 6GB install this is more than the download all together. I'm not really sure why I guess to keep load times to a minimal. In case you didn't hear the download version weighs in at a little more than 1GB, but the catch is you have to download each video individually. I'm not really sure how that works either, do you not get a opening video if you don't download it? Or is it the video from when you unlock a vehicle. No ones really sure but this must suck for you 20GB PS3 owners, you already have your hard drive full from DMC4, Lost Planet , and now GT 5.... Well its not all bad news, the cars look nice and I hear is having a sale on hard drives.. So get to it you have about 50 min to order a new hard drive.......
Xbox Live's Main Plan..
So as you may or may not know in the Fall Update for Xbox Live, Microsoft banned all GOLD and silver members under the age of 18 from downloading "M" rated
content. When asking Microsoft about this Microsoft replied something like, we want to protect our underage users from playing or seeing "M" rated content as followed by the E.S.R.B. and Nintendo and Sony should do the same.. Thats not the exact quote but its very similar to what they said. Now I can see where there going with this.. but why are the parental controls there if Microsoft is going to tell you what you can and can not play or watch! I don't know anyone above 18 that has parents that would block them from playing "M" rated content. Now imagine how mad I am, when I pay the same $50 a year as everyone else but get 1/4 of the downloads. If I wanted to play games where you pet bunnies and dumb shit like that I would own a Wii, what I want are demos and videos of games that have people blowing into a million pieces and getting chainsawed in the face! So.... after numerous calls to India... I mean Xbox customer support the response I get is to make a new silver account but lie about my age... WOW! Really thinking of the kids there huh Microsoft? So after thinking a lot I have come to the conclusion.... this is a way for Microsoft to get more Xbox Live users! Think about it.. They ban 65% of there users and trust me its 65% I have played Halo 3 online, from downloading 3/4 of the content released and if say 40% of those users call customer support and get told to make a new account to download "M" rated items they get 40% more Xbox Live users. So Microsoft out of 8million users how many have 2 accounts to download the demos you blocked them from? I believe this was there plan on how to get more subscribers. This is just coming from someone that was told they cant download "M" rated or "RP" rated content. I dont know maybe ill go play 36/53 "M" rated original Xbox games or my 14/20 "M" rated Xbox 360 games that I own! By the way I'm going to be 17 in 19 days and still not old enough to get a fucking demo that I pay $50 a year for!

Monday, March 24, 2008
Wheel Or No Wheel

So in 24 days it will be my Birthday and I've been thinking about what to get. In case you didn't want to count that means my Birthday is on April 17th. I'm going to be turning 17 and in one more year I'll be able to download "M"stuff off of Xbox Live (BASTARDS), but any who, on my Birthday Gran Turismo 5: Prologue comes out and I was wondering about the wheel. The wheel (pictured above^) costs a stiff $150. This would be a big step up from the wheels that I had on the Dreamcast which were cheap plastic and didnt even turn more than 90*. Just a f.y.i. the GT wheel turns 900*, which is all the way around + a 1/2, like in a real car. So if anyone can comment or recommend on why I should or shouldn't get I would appreciate it.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Why Pioneer? Why?
Today is a sad day. Pioneer, makers of the best televisions as of right now has announced that it will stop making plasma flat panels and move on to using Sharp LCD panels. This is to cut costs and help bring Pioneer back into the green. This doesn't bode well for Project Kuro which is Pioneer's tv that boasts a infinite contrast ratio for true blacks and is only 9mm thick. This is one millimeter thicker than a iPod Touch and I believe is thinner than a iPhone. Pioneer says they will begin selling Kuro (Kuro means Black in Japanese) LCDs in the later half of 2008. Hopefully they can do to LCDs that they did to plasmas. These TVs will remain in my most wanted list for awhile. Now where did I put that extra $6,000? ;-)
***Update Pioneer isn't canceling there plasmas there going to start to use the same panels that are in Panasonic tv's!***
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