Just a quick note on whats going on. First of all I'm moving so I've been pretty busy to update the blog. I just wanted to make every one aware of whats going on. But second I bought a few games off of the PSN like Pixel Junk Monsters, Go! Sports Skydiving, Syphon Filter, and the original Warhawk. I'm not going to give a review of these games, but will give a quick insight on whether or not you should buy them. First up Pixel Junk Monsters. This is kind of expensive at $10 but at launch was $6.99 which was when I bought it. This game is good but hard its kind of like a puzzle game where you set up your towers of weapons and creatures walk through and you hope your guns kill them before they reach you base. Overall its good but cant really recommend it.
Go! Sports Skydiving is one of the most anticipated Go! games and at $5 you really cant complain. The game only uses the SixaxiS just like Go! Sports Ski but worse. You have to get in certin positions and this requires goofy as hell controller movements. First of all the controller is supposed to be flat in your hands where R1 and L1 face your T.V. then to rotate your character your supposed to be able to just rotate it (counter) clockwise, but to my frusration you have to flick it and hold so it gets in the position. I cant even tell you how many times I go into a spinning frenzy. Then you have to pull the controller toward you air plane style and your guy goes up or down. This game is ok if your a fan of the ski game, but if your not then I wouldn't check this out other than that has lots of modes and could be worth it if you can handle the controls.
Syphon Filter and (PSX) Warhawk. Syphon Filter is a awesome the game, graphics, sound, and gameplay are very well done and with the Type 4 controls works extremely well on the PSP. If you were looking for a game to buy off the PSN thats a PSX game then Syphon Filter Should be it! On the other hand warhawk is not so good. The game looks like poo (PSX launch title) and the real life people doing the cut scenes its not worth it. Also to add insult to injury it doesn't use a memory card it uses the codes that we all know and hate (ahh Zombies ate my neighbors comes to mind). This is not a game you want for PSP especially since the codes you have to remember are 8 buttons long. In the end check out Syphon Filter and avoid (PSX) Warhawk like the plague!
*****Also check out the My most wanted list exit stage Right >>.
So last night as I was playing C.O.D.4 I was getting very frustrated, getting killed by the over powered and crazy accurate M16 and the over accurate RPD. I decided its time to put COD on the shelf until things get fixed. COD is going the way of Socom 2 quick, with people hacking there saved file (PS3) and changing the color of there name and putting button icons in there clan tag. This is how Socom 2 went down hill but COD is getting there much faster! With Infinity Ward working on a patch, I was thinking of every thing they need to fix to get me and many others to play COD4 again.
So heres a LIST.......
~ M16 Assault Rifle: Accuracy, Power, and Recoil, are extremely unrealistic. No gun is going to kill you across the map in three shots like that, it almost takes more sniper bullets to kill someone than it takes the M16 to kill someone and the M16 can be more accurate at most times, since you don't have to worry about holding your breath.
~ Barrett .50 Sniper Rifle: Not accurate enough and not powerful enough. Lets talk about accuracy first, the Barrett has a stand on the front which should make, most if not all movement in the scope go away, if your in the prone position. The Barrett in COD shouldn't move the same in the standing position as in the prone position. Second the power is garbage in the game. The Barrett can kill some one as far away as 5 miles in one shot in the appropriate place (head, torso) and it should the bullet it uses is almost the size of the Xbox 360 controller (from "B" to the Left Stick) its huge, it should kill you in one hit. Unlike in COD 4 it take on average 2 shots torso area with stopping power.
~Other Semi Automatic Sniper Rifles(M21): if a gun is suppose to be powerful and shoots fast like that the recoil would be insane.
Heavy Machine Guns (RPD, M60): A gun as big and powerful as a RPD or a M60 are going to have recoil I don't think putting a Red dot scope on a heavy machine gun is going to make it recoil less and be as accurate as a M16, its just not going to happen.
Other Complaints I don't agree with
~P90- too strong . Yes its strong but you have to be such a high level to get it and it doesn't have the range so it balances out.
Other things that need Fixed. At least in PS3 version
~Connecting back to Party after game ends, or host leaves.
~Be able to Mute annoying people or over excessive breathers.
~ More respawn areas! I Hate spawning in front of a group of people, or a person I kill spawns right near me.
~ In game Friends list (One thats on XMB)
~ In game messaging. If I can see my friends list or partial friends list why cant I send messages to them.
**I Guess thats it! If Infinity Ward Implements these features I'll be one happy person.**