Today on the Playstation Store Sony released LocoRoco Cocoreccho! I guess you suppose to scream when you say the title, but after buying it for $7 there isn't really anything to scream about. The game is about a hour, hour and a half max. The game is really complicated you can have up to 200 loco's following you at one time. Unlike the PSP version where you use R1 and L1, which would of been a perfect fit for the sixaxis but instead someone thought it would of been a good idea for you to be a butterfly and have the loco's follow you. This is aggravating on a whole new level. When you want them to jump they don't, so you have to go all the way back around and try again. You can use the sixaxis to control certain platforms, flowers and levers like the one in the picture. Unless you really want it because you enjoyed the music and the funky graphics from the PSP version, I wouldn't pick this one up until the price drops.
Finally some good news for a Playstation 3 game. According to Warhawk has sold around 100 thousand copies a week after its release. I'm thinking that this is the retail versions since no one really knows about PSN sales except Sony. That goes to show you that people will buy "Online Only Games" as long as its good. This Game is a lot more fun and is selling faster than Shadowrun which is only at 210 thousand units almost a year after its release. Its about time us Playstation 3 owners have something to play other than Resistance. This game is a lot of fun and if you have a Playstation and your online I recommend you pick it up! See you in the skies.
Tuesday September 4 I beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma. It took me a lot longer than expected, around 21 hours to beat. This was the first time I played through a Ninja Gaiden game and I was very pleased with it and I'm excited for the sequel. Hopefully the sequel will be announced at T.G.S. later this month. If you haven't played Ninja Gaiden yet i would pick up Sigma! The game is Cheap at times but still enjoyable! For some this might not seem like a big deal but for the people that have beat it know how much of an accomplishment it is!